Surf Girls DA is Ranked #1 Overall Program in the US
- U19 Surf Girls Ranked #1
- U17 Surf Girls Ranked #7
- U16 Surf Girls Ranked #4
- U15 Surf Girls Ranked #3
- U14 Surf Girls Ranked #6
The title speaks for itself, #1 Girls DA Program in the US & our Surf DA Girls had an incredible performance at the DA Winter Cup. With an overall record of 11-0-1 ALL 4 OF OUR TEAMS WON THEIR GROUPS! In the first year of the DA Cup competition, San Diego Surf has all FOUR teams moving onto the ELITE 8! Additionally, due to all teams advancing we automatically qualify for DA Playoff this summer. This was an incredible opportunity for our players as they showcased their talent in front of over 500 college coaches this past weekend.
“This is a testament to our player development plan, our commitment to our playing style and teamwork. This is truly a team effort from the players, the families, the coaches and the organization. We are proud to be the ONLY club in the US to take ALL 4 of our teams through to the ELITE 8!” said Director of Coaching Rob Becerra.
“More importantly our Surf style of play and methodology was consistent from 19s all the way down to our U15s. As proud as we are of winning and qualifying, the DA girl’s performances speak to our development process of putting players first and our commitment to our coaching education. Our dedication to player development is evident in our program, from DA down to Zone 1 and our Junior Academy.” added Becerra.
The final 8 of the Cup competition in April in NC and we can’t wait to watch our Girls battle for the Championship! #SurfOn3