What an incredible night at Surf Soccer’s 4th Annual Fundraiser Gala! It was a true honor to see our Surf families at the event and supporting our Surf Scholarship Fund which directly impacts the opportunities and experiences of our kids! This year was a massive success and we raised over $100,0000 to benefit our Surf Scholarship Fund.
None of this would be possible without the contributions from generous donors and the sponsors who support our event. We want to give a huge THANK YOU to all who donated as the success of these events are critical to the club and to the scholarship fund to help our kids!
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our club. THANK YOU to our 2000 (& 2001) National Championship team for attending in full force so we could celebrate our #SurfAlumni and their success! And finally, thank you to Colin Chesters for reminding us of what an amazing impact soccer can have on players, families as well as the coaches. We all teared up a bit during your speech while recognizing such a talented team who have accomplished so much on and off the fields.